EGYPRO PHARMA (K) LTD started its business in the year 2007 in Kenya , Nairobi

For over 10 years, EGYPRO PHARMA (K) LTD. have built a solid reputation as most trusted business.

EGYPRO PHARMA (K) LTD is committed to providing quality service to the community. They believe that a reputation as an honest and reliable business is the recipe for success. While others seek to profit by cutting corners, or recommending unnecessary services to customers,

EGYPRO PHARMA (K) LTD. believe that a good reputation and consistent service will reap bigger profits in the long run. By being trustworthy,

EGYPRO PHARMA (K) LTD. believe that they will enjoy a long term profitable business that serves the community.

EGYPRO PHARMA (K) LTD. believe that the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the companies, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest.

EGYPRO PHARMA (K) LTD.  has three Business Units , in Kenya 

-Pharmaceutical Department 

-Dental  Department 

-Medical Department 

Our Mission

“We view ourselves as a full-service partner for all stakeholders in the healthcare

we believe our first responsibility is to the doctors , nurses and patients , to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services , even with the rapidly changing health care systems worldwide this mission will remain our focus “